New Year Message from the Chief/Head Script’r, “Ink&Quill,” AceWorldTEAM… ♠World™

Celebrating the 2nd year of Ink&Quill Publication on AceWorldTEAM
Marking the 2nd year of Ink&Quill Publication on AceWorldTEAM

Happy New Year, AceWorldTEAM readers! This marks the running of the 2nd year for the Ink&Quill Publication on your melodramatic Online PR portal in Nigeria; the world is changing fast.

  • Are we able to keep pace with this change?
  • Does AceWorldTEAM provide a platform via Ink&Quill for optimizing readers delight on “literature centered articles” and leading this change?

As the Chief/Head Script’r for this long-running “Creative Literature BlendOnline Library, it has been a great privilege and a great challenge to address these questions. The Internet, Social Media and Mobile Devices have been rapidly changing our lives; the number of journals have increased considerably over the past 2 years. Publishing an article is somewhat easy to do these days, but publishing an article in a good journal with good visibility, is harder than ever before; we launched the renovated Ink&Quill Readers’ Friendly Theme a few months ago and are constantly striving to better serve our readers. The website shares a vision of important research outcomes and provides guidance for writing high quality pieces; over the past year, the website has attracted a greater percentage of Unique Visitors from countries in and out of the continent and Page Views have grown tremendously.

Lecherous Journal Artwork BigDan |
Lecherous Journal

To further keep serving our readers better with our publications, “The Lecherous Journal,” which took a break would be reignited with more appealing stories based on true life story with it’s usual pinch of fictions and it would feature old and new characters to spice up more of the suspense and intrigue that it always serenades as well as the most popular quotes and most cited articles relevant to the broader AceWorldTEAM community.

The introduction of 2 versatile poets, Murs and Ray, last year, boosted the Writing Article community of AceWorldTEAM, as both writers provided random poems creatively crafted from Ink using a Quill to dish out a palatable Ink&Quill Course Meal for readers; this year, the tradition would continue as both writers would regularly publish poems that relate to diverse fields of entertainment and emotions.

Yom Kippur ...writt'n by Ace Nobis Artwork | AceWorldTeam.comAce Nobis, a notable edutainment writer on celestial pieces and seasoned love adviser/teacher, already has works lined up for our esteemed readers in 2016.

Exclusive Interviews from your favorite celebrities, Topical Documentary that relate to the entertainment industry and many more have also been lined up for our readers; as a New Year bonus for our ever loyal readers, the concluding part of the most-read online series on a single portal, “The Lecherous Journal” would be released tomorrow, the 2nd day of January, 2016, as the 2nd season kicks off in coming weeks with another 24 thrilling episodes already finalized.

To welcome our readers to 2016, our publications would come with freebies for readers to win periodically.

We anticipate Ink&Quill will continue to grow and demonstrate it’s place among the most valued journals on AceWorldTEAM and in Nigeria; as we enter a New Year, there are opportunities to achieve our goals and also new challenges to face. The key to the success of this journal depends on our authors, reviewers, and readers; we look forward to your valuable contributions in 2016 and will work hard to do everything we can to optimize the impact of the journal to the AceWorldTEAM discipline and society at large. We wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2016.

As I dip my quill into my ink pot to scribble my last few words, I wish all our readers an #AceNewYear and #AceMoments as we continue to serve you better.

Chief/Head Script’r
Ink&Quill Publications

Daniji Emmanuel is guilty for having 2 addictions in his life – Music and Writing. A relentless writer, wide scope researcher and a confluence of knowledge, BigDan, as he is popularly known is a disciple of the Thomas Huxley Quote, “try to learn something about everything and everything about something.”