TY Bello – THE MORNING SONGBOOK [Album] | Free Download

TY Bello - THE MORNING SONGBOOK [Album] Artwork | AceWorldTeam.com

TY Bello - THE MORNING SONGBOOK [Album] Artwork | AceWorldTeam.com

TY Bello‘s“The Morning Songbook” [10.10.14], today’s date, is really interesting; in so many ways, it speaks of complete cycles.



7 + 7 = 14

Two complete cycles


“In 2009, I begun this amazing season where I would write music to God as my morning devotion; it was a unique time of discovery and I felt it was a unique way to give of myself, open and sincere. It wasn’t long that I realized that I was receiving way more than I was giving; every beautiful exchange with God always leaves us with more. I was also humbled when I got this heartfelt assurance that he thought the songs were perfect. Perfect? If you’ve ever written music, you would know that ‘perfect’ is the one that simply evades, Well, it’s taken a number of years to make; here it is – my gift to God, His to me, and yours for free for as long as I can keep it so.”