HANGING TREE …writt’n by Murstradamus

Hanging Tree | AceWorldTeam.com

Hanging Tree | AceWorldTeam.com

There once was a little boy
Who loved this dear little girl
And everyday, they played neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree
Round and round they went
Laughing and shouting so joyfully.

Years began passing
And soon it came to be
The boy, now a young man
Asked the sweet girl
To meet him neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree.

As midnight drew near
And night veiled the land with mist
The two young lovers met
And shared, but a hasty kiss
Neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree.

I cannot tarry my love“.
Whispered the boy, giving his love a farewell gift.
Tomorrow, we can be together at last“.
The two lovers parted ways
Leaving naught but the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree in silent witness.

And just like they had planned
The young girl came to their haven again
Her love was waiting-wearing a necklace of rope
Destroyed by grief she joined her lover
Strung high in the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree.

Imagine a jealous man’s surprise
To find the objection of his affection
Had chosen death and an eternity with her murdered love
Driven mad with grief and regret, he took his life
Staining crimson the ground neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree.

And now when the midnight bell tolls
And night shrouds the land with her mist
The two lovers come together
And share but a hasty kiss
Neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree.

“Are you, Are you
Coming to meet me?
Where you promised to love me
For all of eternity
I await, my love, neath the crooked branches
Of the Hanging Tree“.