Home AUDIO Indigenous-Styled, Baby 4ace Returns With “Motilo”…

Indigenous-Styled, Baby 4ace Returns With “Motilo”…


Epic things start with small humble steps. Pay respect to your beginnings. And if you’re just starting out, know that it’s OK to be sucky. To be small. To be messy and chaotic. Just make sure to never ever stop dreaming.” This quote by Vishen Lakhiani, ushers in the storyline behind the latest single and visualization behind Baby 4ace‘s “Motilo” – with a past that almost saw the end of a process and a present of determination and humble steps to never stop dreaming, comes a future of big actualizations.

Baby 4ace (real name, Ayomide Alii) is a Nigerian-born rapper/song-writer with international affiliations; on “Motilo,” he preaches his flash-speed away from the position he was into a future of positivism and successful living – he possesses a Hip-Hop style of delivery that combines indigenous Yoruba Rap with a foreign English accent that is unique to the ear – “Motilo” is just a teaser, as the artiste has an impressive number of songs lined up for release soon. | ENJOY!!!

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